Inner Stillness


3 Days of Practice

Connect with your present self and unleash your inner power to realize your purpose in this world.

For those who have achieved success in life and for those who are in pursuit of true meaning and profound self-discovery, our Transformational Retreat can alter your perspective on life completely. It will unlock the inner strength needed to understand your purpose in this world.

The retreat offers a unique chance to attain mental clarity and liberate yourself from restrictive beliefs, allowing you to become the master of your own reality.

If you want to:

  • Let go of your masks and be your true self.
  • Be the one making decisions and not your emotions.
  • Find meaning by finding the truth within yourself.
  • Let go of your toxic sides and express your gentle part.
  • Deal with the feeling of emptiness
  • Rekindle the feeling of joy that was present in the past

Go on a transformational retreat for profound changes in your life

Contact us for any questions you have!

Retreat Information

June 13th - 16th

Galicia, Spain - Lugar dos Devas 

Double Room


Single Room


+32 492 52 22 40 — Kjenta

Register for a consultation and interview.

You will be contacted by a guide
They will answer all your questions and conduct an interview

Begin the workshop Preparation
1) Learn the basic practice in the preparation course (on our courses platform)
2) Attend 3 practical webinars with an instructor
3) Start cleansing your body (no meat, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.) 7 days before the retreat

Price includes:

  • Online Retreat Preparation
  • Accommodation
  • 2 meals a day
  • Intensive Retreat Training
  • 3 preparatory webinars before the retreat
  • 2 follow-up webinars after the retreat
  • Personal follow-up after the retreat for 1 week
  • Retreat lead in English with direct translation to Spanish and Russian


Join our community online sessions for free twice a week and get to know the practice even deeper.

10 Day Retreat Feedbacks

“I actually created this dialogue and connection with god, and I felt for a moment that I was united with him. It seems to me that its still me, but in a depth something has profoundly changed”

“I have suffered a lot from depression in my life… I learned Transcendental Meditation… I have been to more than 130 Ayahuasca ceremonies… These 10 days gave me more changes than 10 years.”

“I haven’t seen her in 13 years I got to meet my mom… My heart started to crack open and I got the vision of where i’m supposed to go, who I’m supposed to be… I made amends… I feel myself alive… I didn’t know it was this mind-blowing”

“Actually, this stress that I had for many years, it just fell off. I don't feel this pain anymore. Yeah, that's gone... I really felt the peace. It was generous. It was real. The first time ever I felt something like this”

“It was a life changer... When that chatter stopped, there's whole new reality just emerged going outside of the matrix... Really getting sense of just limitless space of who I am. Just pure love that accepts you for who you are”

“It opened my eyes and my mind in ways that I didn't expect...That insight was that I'd been carrying this sense of unworthiness that was like a very thick wall or a shell between me and the world that helped me understand what I had created.”

Contact us for a personal consultation!

What goes into a Retreat

We invite you to make a complete lifestyle change and NOT just go on another retreat.

To deeply awaken your consciousness, take control of your life and reality




Accomodation & Food

Community of Like Minded People

Interaction with Awakened students

Like-minded Community


Course Schedule

Day 1

Settling In, Short Practice

Days 2-3

Transformative & intensive part


Morning group session:
Physical, breathing, meditative and energetic practices.


Detox diet or a delicious and healthy breakfast.


Afternoon group session:
Practices for developing sensitivity and the heart center.

1 7:00

Detox diet or a delicious and healthy dinner.

1 8:00

Evening group session:
Physical practices, working with attention, group and paired practices.


Rest & healthy sleep

Days 2-3

Transformative & intensive part


Morning group session:
Physical, breathing, meditative and energetic practices.


Detox diet or a delicious and healthy breakfast.


Afternoon group session:
Practices for developing sensitivity and the heart center.

1 7:00

Detox diet or a delicious and healthy dinner.

1 8:00

Evening group session:
Physical practices, working with attention, group and paired practices.


Rest & healthy sleep

Day 4

Morning meditation, Sharing & Departure

What awaits you on the retreat:

Meditative & breathing practices

Unique set of physical yoga exercises

Heart opening & laughter therapy

Working with our ego & attention

Heart opening & laughter therapy

Unique set of physical yoga exercises

Working with our ego & attention

Realize your destiny

Genadiy Givin

A fully realized teacher who continues the chain of succession in the European tradition. He is one of only two people in the world who can currently give initiations in Paradanta meditation.

Genady passed the path of full realization at the age of 27 and for more than 40 years as a teacher has been passing on the knowledge of self-improvement, cognition of the self and the universe.

(The knowledge is alive and is currently being passed from heart to heart).

"I am of no value in and of myself - The knowledge I impart is priceless."

Genadiy Givin

A fully realized teacher who continues the chain of succession in the European tradition. He is one of only two people in the world who can currently give initiations in Paradanta meditation.

Genady passed the path of full realization at the age of 27 and for more than 40 years as a teacher has been passing on the knowledge of self-improvement, cognition of the self and the universe.

(The knowledge is alive and is currently being passed from heart to heart).

"I am of no value in and of myself - The knowledge I impart is priceless."

The team's field creates a powerful synergy effect

A team retreat is right for you if you have been thinking about the meaning of life or are searching for your purpose, if you are tired of meaninglessness and inner emptiness.

What awaits you in return:

  • The path for which we came into this world
  • The path that answers all questions
  • A path for ambitious people who are ready to successfully change their reality

If you want to:

  • Improve your health
  • De-stress
  • Improve your efficiency in business
  • Overcome depression

All of this can happen to you as a side effect of moving on the path of inner transformation if you are willing to see the patterns of your behavior, change your life, and finally become happy.

О нас

50 000+

человек прошли
наши онлайн-курсы


человек пробудилось


лет мы проводим обучение

Мы - сообщество людей, объединенных целью повышения уровня сознания человечества через изменение себя и мира вокруг.

Мы проживаем совместно в учебных центрах в разных точках мира, набирая опыт внутренних изменений, создавая вокруг поле высоких вибраций и активно действуя, передавая людям Знания об эволюционном развитии человека.

Мы создаём особое энергетическое поле, которое помогает эффективно и мягко проходить внутренние трансформации, позволяет испытывать опыты пробуждения и выход на другие уровни сознания.

Знания передаются от учителя к ученику из поколения в поколение и берут свои истоки из древних времен.

Мы развиваемся под руководством реализованного учителя. Который демонстрирует пример чистого служения вне эгоизма.

About Us

We are a community of people united by the goal of raising the level of consciousness of mankind by changing ourselves and the world around us.

We live together in training centers in different parts of the world, gathering the experience of inner changes, creating around us a field of high vibrations and actively acting and transmitting the knowledge of human evolutionary development.

We create a special energy field that helps to effectively and gently undergo inner transformations, allowing us to have awakening experiences and emergence to other levels of consciousness.

We develop under the guidance of a realized teacher. Who demonstrates an example of pure service beyond egoism.

The knowledge is passed from a teacher to a student from generation to generation and originates from ancient times.

50 000+

people have taken
our online courses


participants have awakened


years, we've been providing training

The Retreat Team

Alexander Kozin

I have been interested in the question "Who am I?" all my life, and I cannot imagine life without spiritual growth...

Alex Satya

Started his spiritual journey at 18 with the practice of Reiki, Glubinaya Kasaniya (Deep Touch....

Anna Sokol

Since childhood I have gained a very concentrated life experience...

Nick Losenko

Nick had an awakened experience that completely changed his life...

Natalia Kozina

Very experienced in many spiritual practices. Born in the family of mystics and spiritual teachers, she has been on the journey since her school years....

Alexander Kozin

I have been interested in the question "Who am I?" all my life, and I cannot imagine life without spiritual growth...

Alex Satya

Started his spiritual journey at 18 with the practice of Reiki, Glubinaya Kasaniya (Deep Touch....

Anna Sokol

“Since childhood I have gained a very concentrated life experience...

Nick Losenko

Nick had an awakened experience that completely changed his life...

Natalia Kozina

"Very experienced in many spiritual practices. Born in the family of mystics and spiritual teachers, she has been on the journey since her school years.

How The Retreat Goes




After the retreat - You will have the opportunity to join our Paradanta Meditation course and get your personalized consonance, a unique technique for unlocking one's potential.

Paradanta - "Beyond Awakening."

Mandatory Conditions for Participation

In the space of our retreats, everyone does serious and deep work on themselves, thus creating a common energy field. We become one.

Without following specific rules, the potential of the whole group will dissipate.

Mandatory Conditions for Participation

In the space of our retreats, everyone does serious and deep work on themselves, thus creating a common energy field. We become one.

Without following specific rules, the potential of the whole group will dissipate.

In essence, these are guidelines that direct all the energy to the inner transformation of ourselves and the group.

( ! ) If these conditions are violated, the participant may be dismissed from the retreat

Click below to book a meeting with our retreat guides

  • Fulfillment of all recommendations by the  instructors and supervisors.
  • Obligatory completion of the basic preparation course for the retreat.

7 days before and 3 days after the retreat:

  • Eliminate alcohol consumption and cigarette use
  • Adhere to a vegan diet
  • Follow a quieting regime (no music, videos, books, intimacy)

During the retreat:

  • Compliance with the silent regime
  • Phones, laptops and other gadgets are handed over to the administrators
  • Observance of the daily schedule

Отзывы участников

Ксения Михайлова

«Не было ни минуты что бы я подумала нафиг оно было нужно.»

Стас Силицкий

«Все поменялось, поменялось восприятие жизни, красками все, мир сочный, свежий…»

Жанна Шевцова

«Я мечтала окунуться в мир ощущений. Я получила то, что хотела.»

Норберт Масальский

«Ощущение тревоги постоянно звенело в ушах…»

Frequently Asked Questions

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