Why follow a vegan diet? (elimination of all animal products)
Under normal conditions, 75-80% of a person's energy is spent on digesting food. Plant-based nutrition requires less energy for digestion. And the released energy will go to internal restructuring and cleansing of the body.
Why eliminate alcohol and tobacco use?
During the course, the nervous system is cleansed of accumulated tension and stereotyped programs of the mind. This is already a serious enough burden on the body. And if you combine the practice with alcohol or any other psychotropic substances, there is a risk of greatly worsening your well-being and health.
Why are restrictions necessary?
For a deeper immersion in the practice, it is necessary to switch to the mode of calming down. This means a temporary refusal of music, films, books, videos, sex, overeating. And also everything that is a stimulant of mental activity, or with the help of which you escape from the feeling of inner emptiness.
The calming mode will allow you to accumulate internal energy and direct it towards understanding your nature and realizing your potential more quickly.